NYC Podiatrist Correcting and Treating Bunions

Many New Yorkers suffer from foot problems that make every step excruciating or make them self-conscious about showing their feet. At Central Park SOLE, our knowledgeable and highly skilled physicians help patients take charge of their health so they can live life without limitations. Located on the Upper West Side, our boutique wellness center goes beyond traditional podiatry practices to bridge the gap between surgery and aesthetics.

Bunion Correction

Bunions are a condition that can affect the toes. It is one of the most common foot problems. On average, 10%-25% of people have or will experience a bunion in their lifetime. A bunion is a bony bump that forms at the base of the big toe. Some people may experience bunionettes that form on the side of the pinky toe. Bunion on Foot

This condition forms when the bones of the toe move out of place. This forces the toes to move inward and the joint to protrude outwards. This condition can be painful, leading to other foot problems such as corns, calluses, and hammer toes. 

What Causes Bunions on Your Feet

There are a few reasons you may develop a bunion - the most significant factor being genetics. If your family has bunions, your chances of having a bunion increase. In addition, narrow or tight shoes, injuries, trauma, and deformities can cause bunions. 

Everything Runners Need To Know About Bunions
Hear Dr. Brad Schaffer discuss Everything Runners Need To Know About Bunions in a podcast with Finn Melanson.

Treatment for Bunions

There are different types of treatment for bunions. There are conservative approaches that treat the symptoms, and then there are different types of bunion surgeries. Our foot doctor in NYC will devise a treatment plan that is best suited to your lifestyle and needs. 

3D Bunion Correction

3D Lapiplasty bunion surgery is a more efficient and less invasive surgical correction than traditional bunion surgeries. Lapiplasty goes beyond “shaving” off the bump on the joint of the toe and corrects the actual cause of bunions. 

When to See a Podiatrist for Bunions

If your condition causes pain and affects your quality of life, it may be time to visit our NYC podiatrist. Take the first step toward happier, healthier feet, and discover what Central Park SOLE can do for you. Complete our contact form or call us at 212-874-0564 to request an appointment with one of our specialists. Appointments are available from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.